Noncredit Adult and Continuing Education
Welcome to the NACES Center!
All noncredit classes and certificates are free.
The Noncredit Adult and Continuing Education Services (NACES) Center provides student-centered services and learning opportunities that enable noncredit students to achieve their personal, academic, vocational, and civic goals in order to transition to credit programs and become more active members of their communities.
The NACES Center assists students with:
- Admissions applications
- Noncredit new and returning student orientation
- CASAS assessments
- Noncredit counseling and advising
- Noncredit class registration
- Free textbooks for noncredit classes
- Student referrals to on-campus services and community agencies
- EL Civics assessments
- Transitioning from noncredit to credit courses
- VitaNavis career assessments
- Providing a computer lab for academic purposes
Student Learning Outcomes:
- ESL Noncredit students will identify campus resources.
- All GED/HiSET participants will demonstrate the GED/HiSET registration process.
- New ESL noncredit students will demonstrate the LASC email login process.
Student Satisfaction Survey:
Please take a few minutes to fill out the NACES Student Satisfaction Survey.
NACES Student Satisfaction Survey
Your comments and suggestions help to evaluate and improve our level of service. Your responses will be kept confidential.
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APPLY FOR ADMISSION - NACES CENTER SSEC 110A or ADMISSIONS OFFICE SSB 102 or LASC.EDU Complete an application for admissions. NACES bilingual staff is available in SSEC 110A to help you complete the application. To complete the application, it is required that you:
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ATTEND NONCREDIT NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION - NACES CENTER SSEC 110A Once your application for admissions has been processed and you have been |
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INITIAL INTERVIEW - NACES CENTER SSEC 110A If you are enrolling in English as a second language (ESL), or citizenship, you will have an initial interview. |
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TAKE THE NONCREDIT ASSESSMENT AND CASAS PRE-TEST – NACES CENTER SSEC 110A If you are enrolling in English as a second language (ESL), citizenship, or high school equivalency (HSE) test preparation classes, you need to take the CASAS assessment. Be sure to bring any necessary tools for testing (eyeglasses, hearing aids, etc.). Children are not allowed in the testing area. Scan the QR code at the bottom of this page to see availability. |
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MEET WITH A COUNSELOR - NACES CENTER SSEC 110A You MUST meet with a noncredit counselor for assistance in completing your educational plan. The counselor will assist you in selecting appropriate classes that meet your educational goals. No children are allowed during the counseling appointment. The appointment will last a total of 30 minutes; it can be extended per your request in advance. Please be on time. If you are more than 10 minutes late, you will be asked to reschedule. |
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REGISTER FOR CLASSES – NACES CENTER SSEC 110A You need to register for classes online at For your convenience, registration instructions are posted inside the schedule of classes. Bilingual staff are available to help you register for classes in the NACES Center (SSEC 110A). |
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TAKE YOUR STUDENT ID PICTURE - WELCOME CENTER SSB 118 Once you have registered for classes, you are eligible to receive a free student ID card. You must bring a copy of your current class schedule AND a photo ID. |
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PAY YOUR PARKING PERMIT OR OBTAIN A FREE LA METRO BUS PASS - BUSINESS OFFICE SSB 103 OR COLLEGE BOOKSTORE. Parking is free for the Fall 2023 semester. For future semesters, contact the NACES Center. The college offers free bus passes for students who are enrolled in at least one class in the current semester. You can request your pass at the Business Office (SSB 103) or at the College Bookstore. You will need to show your current class schedule and a photo ID. |
All students must log into the PeopleSoft SIS portal and click the Canvas link to access their online classes.
SIS Login ID - Your 9-digit Student ID Number (example: 881234567 991234567)
SIS Password - Students will use the same password to access the new PeopleSoft SIS and Canvas.
NOTE: You should have access to Canvas the same day you register for a course. It may take up to 2-4 hours after registration before your login works if the semester has started. New students will create a password the first time logging in.
- Instructions for New Students Entering PeopleSoft SIS (PDF). English Spanish
- For password reset / Reestablecer Contraseña
Instructions for Activating Subtitles (CC) | ||
How to enter Canvas | VIDEO | VIDEO |
Change the language to Spanish in Canvas | VIDEO | VIDEO |
How to download the Canvas Application to your phone | VIDEO | VIDEO |
How to enter your email | VIDEO | VIDEO |
How to download and use Zoom on your phone | VIDEO | VIDEO |
How to translate all your English emails to a different language | VIDEO | VIDEO |
How to forward your school email to your personal email | VIDEO | VIDEO |
How to speak with your counselor online | VIDEO | VIDEO |
Laptop request forms are available in the LASC Library (COX Building, 2nd floor) and in the NACES office (SSEC 110A) |
If you are interested in taking college credit courses but are unsure of how it all works, take our free noncredit program to prepare you. This program will prepare you for college-level courses if you haven't been to college in a while or ever.
Certificate Name | Courses | Description |
Academic Success Certificate of Competency |
College and Scholastic Assessment Preparation (Basic Skills 023CE) Academic Guidance (Basic Skills 005CE) |
This certificate is designed to provide instruction to assist students strengthen their academic readiness to undertake or progress in college-level academic and CTE programs. |
Are you a U.S. permanent resident? Do you want to be a U.S. citizen, but do not know how to start or prepare for the process? LASC NACES can help. We have helped many students prepare to become U.S. citizens through free classes. We offer two preparation courses all year round. Classes are offered in English or in Spanish. We also assist students with practice interviews and filling out the USCIS naturalization application.
This program prepares students with the communication skills, understanding, and use of the English language to successfully pass the US Citizenship oral and written exams.
Be an active LASC student, noncredit orientation, and meet with a noncredit counselor.
ESL for Citizenship
- ESL NC 104CE
- ESL NC 105CE
This certificate will prepare students with the communication skills and understanding and use of the English language to successfully pass the US Citizenship oral and written exams.
Technology skills are essential in today's environment. This program offers different computer literacy courses for those who are new to computer usage and those who know the basics but want to learn more.
Certificate Name | Courses | Description |
Basic Computer Literacy for College and Career Certificate of Completion |
Workplace Readiness - Computer (VOC ED 003CE) Computer Literacy for College (VOC ED 290CE) |
This certificate is designed to equip students with basic computer literacy skills necessary for success in college and the workforce |
Introduction to Apple World and Ecosystem Certificate of Completion |
Introduction to Apple Application (VOC ED 619CE) Everyone Can Code (VOC ED 286CE) Optional: Introduction to iPad and MacBook (VOC ED 618) |
This certificate provides students an overview of the knowledge and skills needed in fields that require software coding for the development of computer applications. |
Fundamentals of Robotics Certificate of Completion |
Fundamentals of Robotics (VOC ED 293CE) Robotics Lab (VOC ED292CE) |
This certificate provides an overview of the application, programming, and design of robotic systems and components to introduce students to the basics of Robotics. Students will be provided the hands-on experience and classroom instruction to build a basic functional robot. |
Want a job at Los Angeles International Airport? Check out the HireLAX program, a collaboration partnering LASC with Los Angeles World Airports, and Parsons Corporation, among many other organizations, where you will learn the skills you will need to succeed in construction builds, and have a position at the world-renown LAX once you complete your Certificate program. This eight-week program will train you in everything you'll need to know to have an in-demand, high-paying construction career while building your confidence for a bright future.
This certificate will prepare students to meet the application requirements for entry into construction-related apprenticeship programs and entry-level construction positions in the public and private sector.
High school diploma or equivalent, social security number, program information session, interview, and orientation.
Building and Construction Trades
- VOC ED 252CE
- VOC ED 096CE or ESL NC 012CE
This certificate will prepare students to meet the application requirements for entry into construction-related apprenticeship programs and entry-level construction positions in the public and private sector.
Due to the current pandemic, custodial services are in high demand. Sanitation and sterilization are essential services for any company. Join our free 8-week certification program to learn the ins and outs of maintaining a clean and safe environment for everyone.
The program will prepare students to meet the application requirements and job seeking and retention skills necessary for entry-level custodial positions in the public and private sector.
Be an active LASC student, noncredit orientation, and meet with a noncredit counselor.
Custodial Technician Preparation
- VOC ED 060CE
- VOC ED 096CE or ESL NC 012CE
This certificate will prepare students to meet the application requirements and job seeking and retention skills necessary for entry-level custodial positions in the public and private sector.
Do you want to learn how to read, write, and speak English? Is English your second or third language and want to improve it? Whether you want to improve your English skills or learn a new language, you are in the right place. LASC NACES offers free ESL classes varying from levels 0 through 6.
ESL courses will prepare students with little or no English language skills to develop basic language skills to prepare them for community participation, further study, entry-level employment, or preparation for vocational training.
Be an active LASC student, noncredit orientation, and meet with a noncredit counselor.
ESL Life Skills | This certificate will prepare students with little or no English language skills to develop basic language skills to prepare them for community participation, further study, entry-level employment, or preparation for vocational training. | |
Beginning Low ESL | This certificate will prepare students to achieve the beginning low-level English language competencies needed to function independently in a variety of vocational, community, and academic situations. | |
Beginning High ESL | This certificate will prepare students to achieve the beginning-high level English language competencies needed to function independently in a variety of vocational, community, and academic situations. | |
Intermediate Low ESL | This certificate will prepare students to achieve the intermediate-low level English language competencies needed to function independently in a variety of vocational, community, and academic situations. | |
Intermediate High ESL | This certificate will prepare students to achieve the intermediate-high level English language competencies needed to function independently in a variety of vocational, community, and academic situations. | |
Advanced ESL | This certificate will prepare students to achieve the advanced level English language competencies needed to function independently in a variety of vocational, community, and academic situations. | |
ESL Communication Skills* |
This certificate will prepare students with the English language conversation, listening and speaking skills needed to participate in their communities, further studies, acquire entry-level employment, or prepare for vocational training. |
ESL Transition | This certificate will prepare students to achieve the advanced level English language competencies needed to transition to credit academic or CTE programs. |
Have you been wanting to prepare for the GED or HiSET test? Is the high school equivalency certificate stopping you from achieving your career or educational goals? Take our free high school equivalency (HSE) preparation classes. This program focuses on math, reading, writing, social studies, and science. Once you are ready to take the test you can take it on campus. This program will also prepare you to transition to college-level credit classes.
This program will provide the necessary instruction in adult basic and secondary education needed to pass a high school equivalency test and be successful in vocational and academic college programs.
Attend a noncredit orientation and meet with a counselor.
High School Equivalent Test Preparation
This certificate will provide the necessary instruction in adult basic and secondary education needed to pass a high school equivalency test and be successful in vocational and academic college programs.
Do you want to become a California Certified Phlebotomist Technician? The academic coursework and clinical training provided in the Phlebotomy Technician I Certificate of Completion curriculum can help you become a California Certified Phlebotomist Technician I.
This certificate is designed for students planning to become a California Certified Phlebotomist Technician I. After completion of the program and passing the approved certifying exam, the students will be eligible to apply for certification by the Laboratory Field Services, California Department of Public Health.
High School Diploma or equivalent; social security number; medical records, background check, interview, orientation.
Phlebotomy Technician
This Certificate is designed for students planning to become a California Certified Phlebotomist Technician I. After completion of the program and passing the approved certifying exam, the students will be eligible to apply for certification by the Laboratory Field Services, California Department of Public Health.
Do you want to become a nurse? Did you know you have to take the TEAS exam? Want to be better prepared? This free course will help you prepare for the nursing entrance exam, the TEAS.
Video chat on Cranium Cafe with Edith Hernandez-Cabrera
This course provides an overview and review of these areas and is not intended to provide in-depth instruction. This course may be adapted for cohorts preparing for specific assessments or exams.
Be an active LASC student and meet with a counselor.
Basic Skills 023CE * this course is a general course for test preparation, when you enroll, make sure it is for the TEAS and not for HSE or any other test prep.
Note: In order to receive an Academic Success Noncredit Certificate, you must also take and pass Basic Skills 005CE or 075CE.